Upgarden’s story is first of all a family story. Grandpa, Israel Twito
founder of the company and creator of the concept, developed and built a wooden model of an urban garden, to the delight of his grandchildren. Every week we would cluster around Grandpa, as he showed us the latest developments and improvements in his garden – different kinds of planters, new seedlings that he found, seeds of special vegetables, innovations without end. At a certain point, Grandpa Israel decided to share his love of gardening with the general public. He took his passion and his vision and turned them into a reality. Upgarden was born – and with it, the modular urban garden.
Upgarden is a subsidiary of Twitoplast Ltd., a global supplier of plastic and electronic products to a variety of industries for more than 40 years.
Upgarden’s family of products was born and grew from the love of gardening and plants. Grandpa Israel passed this love onto us and it continues to grow every day, with new ideas and innovations, teaching us to love all growing things and to take care of the environment. Upgarden makes it possible to grow flowers and herbs, all the things we love, anywhere we want.